Perfectionism is a Trap

Latonya Croney
2 min readJan 10, 2021

Have you ever described yourself as a perfectionist?

I certainly have. I used to wear it as a badge of honor but really it was an unattainable goal that led to much frustration for me. I was trapped!

I’ve noticed many of my clients suffer in similar traps. So imagine my glee when I found a book on this topic. It is actually the BEST book I read last year. I’ve read it 5 times now and each time I find a new nugget of gold.

THE GIFTS OF IMPERFECTION: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are by Brené Brown.

The title says it all! Let go and embrace — two actions that seem simple on the surface but hard to actually accomplish.

Do you struggle with self-acceptance?

Do you find yourself ‘sleepwalking’ through life?

Then this book is for you. Brené has a way of connecting through her unique writing style. She shares ten “guideposts” that challenge and direct the reader towards leading a wholehearted life.

My favorite takeaways from the book (and it was a challenge to limit to 5):

❶ The gifts of imperfection are courage, compassion, and connection. And these gifts keep giving when we decide that being imperfect and authentic is okay.

❷ Courage is contagious! When we choose courage, we inspire those around us to do the same.

❸ When we let go of what others think about us and completely embrace our own story, it is the start of believing we are worthy.

❹ Fitting in and belonging are two different things!

❺ “Perfectionism is not the same thing as striving to be your best.”

Make no mistake, the trap of perfectionism is real! But the good news is you can free yourself from that trap. See yourself as the imperfectly perfect person that you are…flawed but still fabulous. Embrace all of you and accept that you were made on and for a purpose.

